Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hey there Dudes and Duddettes!
It's New Years Eve and it's the last blog I'm writing in 2008!!...ok...that was probably random...! Anyways, I hope everyone would spend there last hours of 2008 before 2009 arrives!
School starts in 2 days and OMG I don't like my duty!!! I Guess 2009 would be a year full of challenges and changes I guess. Tiring too!!
Gtg, chill out before school starts!
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Season's Greetings!!To ALL a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!See ya!Candy^^muakkssMy Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Yesterday and today are some of the most awesome shopping days!!!!! Yesterday afternoon, my aunt brought me Christmas shopping!! She got my a Converse bag for Christmas and I was so happy!!! Then today my family went shopping again at Jusco Bukit Indah and bought loads of clothes and shoes!!! Yipee...Wah, went shopping for 3 days in a row....but fun!
Now I'm just waiting for Christmas to arrive!! Can't wait to see everyone and have fun together!! ^^
Gtg go larh..there's nothing much to talk about. Merry Christmas!! (soon)
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Hellos' to Everybody!!!
(sigh) This morning, mom made me clean up the room...and now I'm quite exhausted...but anyways, today nothing much happening seems interesting to me so I'll blog about the past few days of my life.
Went shopping with my BFF Tiffany!! I had loads of fun and we were like crazy shopperholicks!! My Mom, Uncle, Aunty, Grandma, and to cousins came along too but we were allowed to go around the mall ourselves! So yay! We bought each other the same friendship key chain and bought a few other things....Then when I was about to go home, Tiff's mom was picking her up at the mall so I decided to stay longer with them...and made 3 new "friends" too. They're annoying but...ok larh... Wish I can go shopping with her again!!

2 Days ago (19/12/08)
Went to my first day of horse riding on Friday. I registered for the 10 day course and I'm totally looking forward to the rest of the 9 classes!!! The horse I rode on was called "Happy Day".

Hyes...gtg....byes...remember to tagg b4 leaving.. see ya!
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hey All!
Today was a pretty normal day. Took piano lesson this morning then slumped on the sofa and watched the tele. After I had to clean up my room which looked like a bomb had just taken place...lols...but now with no regrets, my room is finally clean!!
I can't believe that Christmas is just around the corner. I feel that after studying for 6 years at the Canadian Int. School, this celebration has just been part of my tradition every December! I love Christmas not because of the presents, but the fact that families can gather and have a wonderful evening together after the long months being appart. Infact, I feel that it is one of the best ways to plan for a gathering!! After all, who loves to receive presents! ;-) ;-p.... hehe.....
I hope that you'll never be left out on Christmas!! Merry Christmas y'all!!
Candy .AKA. Shannon ^^ muakkss
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Suzie and I
Haruka and Katherine
Suzie, Madeline and Ella
Madeline and Ella
Hey people!
Can't believe that school will starts soon, in about a few weeks!!! But it totally sucks that I have to wake up early in the morning at about 4.30am to just go to school....Anyways, have to do piano theory later and I hate it...don't know why but I just do...
I finally posted some of my pics, I have more but these are the ones I'll blog for now. Hope you liked them...
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I'm finally home!!! After a week of my parent's business trip (I was at my couz's house...)...it was like OMG because it was fun but somebody forced me to go somewhere (in another way) and I obviously didn't want to go there....(long story) That girl just has to be that way....!!
Anyways, just a few more weeks and we're back to school....time just flies! I just really hope that I can meet up with my BFF before school starts...miss her loads!!!
So boring now....but mom said that we're going to Genting in a few days! Can't wait!! ^^ See ya.
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Friday, December 5, 2008
Went smimmin' today!!! It was totally fun!! After that we ate at the nearby "kopitiam", there was like 7 of us and we squeezed on a small table....now it's very "siannn". I wanna go back to school soon but it would be a dreadfull year next year....(sigh) gtg...byess
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Hey All!
I'm at my cousin's house to sleepover again...nothing to write about lerz....maybe for the next post I'll show more of my friend photos from C.I.S!! and other pictures...I want to go to some place cold cos the sun is just so glaring....I keep on thinking that I'm
supposed to be in the outback(Australia) now where it'll still be hot but atleast I'll probably get to play on my couz's wii, ps2 or go shopping with my aunty!!! Dreaming too much ayy....
Just wanna wish everyone a great holiday and soon it'll be Christmas so keep up the good spirits!! love ya ;-D
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo