Friday, January 30, 2009
Still sick....haixx...the doctor says that if I don't get well in 2 days...I might be having a case of dengue....which is totally scary....but to think in the positive side, I am totally not going to have dengue...! Yesterday I went back to school, and it was great to see everyone! But the load of homework was like massive and so I'll be spending the sickish weekend doing homework...which sucks! I would like to thank my friends, especially my bro, jie and mei for wishing me to get well soon. You guys are really sweet. I really appreciated it, atleast I knew that some people are thinking about me! ahhas, kidding...
It would be cool if you could give me a call or even send me and sms these days. I would need your accompany. Thanks! Love you people!!
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
My past few days were spent with my family in 3 places, my home, grandparents house "or" grandparent's house....we were there to greet and wish them a Happy Chinese New Year...but the worst turned first it was a slight fever then after that I was coughing....woo....hoo....and the especially annoying fact was that I happened to be sick on the first day of felt totally suckish! I mean, I didn't get to enjoy the good food and stuff....but atleast my red packets are stacking up!!
So, today was actually a school day, yesterday too, but I had a 2 day mc from the doctor so I was home for the whole day, fortunately, my cousin's came over yesterday and we sorta had some fun...but it was better than nothing though...Tomorrow I'll be expected to go to school!! Which is really exciting after almost a week without seeing my friends and sibs! So i really can't wait! Haixx...and I would like to thank the people who told me to get well soon, I was very touched. So thanks guys, especially my bro, mei and jie. Ily!
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Saturday, January 24, 2009
This morning started very unusual...well, the fact that receiving Chinese New Year greetings weren't unusual. But maybe the fact that interference wasn't a good thing that I should be part of. Maybe my so called "bad feeling of something" really happened. It happened that I felt I was creating misunderstandings, because for the past few days it really seemed like there was. So it's best if I keep my mouth shut for the moment!
Anyways, it's CNY's eve and I can't wait for tomorrow! And I would be damn busy....COLLECTING ANG PAU...!!!! muahahahs, no lah, other than that the greatest part would be spending time with my beloved friends and family which is totally awesome!!! Too bad I can't spend it with my bros and sisters...I bet it would be so much fun too!
HAPPY CNY people!!! See yas
Luv, so called "Emo girl".
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Friday, January 23, 2009
Today was like a boring day....urm...well, I have a deep feeling that something is not going right....but I don't know what and well, I bring a deep thought of curiosity into it... Anyways, I stayed back untill 3.30pm today. Luckily I sat on van #1 orelse I would need to take the bus then go to another place to switch to another van...and I hate the driver, which is an aunty with a big mouth...aya, very annoying's a really long story...
So on my van, there were a total of 5 people including me. And 3 of them were from Woodgrove Sec and another from Siling pri...hahas, then I knew 2 people from the Woodgrove Sec of them is an idiot and the other is just I someone that I met at the custom and I said he was short....hahas...then today when he saw me again he called me "kao beh"....-.-....knoob lah he....hahahas...
Oh, and I would like to wish everyone a very very HAPPY CHINESE NIU YEAR!! Wishing you a prosperous new year! See ya!
Me, Myself and I
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'm going to keep today's post short because, seriously, today wasn't my day. And I would personally say it out now, that I feel guilty about something which is personal...and I really hate it when somebody says something bad about my character when he/she themselves are what they said....isn't that just ridiculous. Ever since I changed to a Singapore school, this must just happen to me. I'm sure I didn't do much but maybe some people just make friends by judging who you are. So now I'm basically trying to annoy the fact that I'm annoyed by "people" and just continue with my life, because I know that I'm not the type on person that they said I was. Simple as that!
=( the disappointed and sad me filled with guilt....
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
It was a totally long day today, but it wasn't the way as I expected it to be...the idiot horh...haixx...I just can't believe it...even if said millions of bad things about him...would he even let it go..? So that's why he's a bloody idiot...he just wouldn't understand what 'I hate you" means....oh gosh...
So today...yeah...morning...blablabla...then went to school and stayed back untill 3.30pm because of AVA. But it sucked cos I was the only p6 AVA student there because either the rest were having rehersals for the CNY concert...or else they couldn't make it! I was like there..trying to remember every bit of what the teacher said about the mic settings and blabla...but my other half of my mind was just wanting to go home! Btw, thanks bro for staying back with us...hahas...I bet ** was so happy! So, yeah, thanks!
Oh ya, so we were on the bus then we stopped somewhere after the Malaysia Custom and then some people switched buses. Fyi, I was one of them. So we boarded this mini van, which was damn "squeeshy" then the aunty asked me, where I lived. So I told her 'Casa Impiana'. And she said, where! what Casa Impiana. So I asked my knoob neighbour then he said at Larkin..and so I thought to myself...I don't think this bloody knoob even knows where he lives! Yeah, but I just followed lorz...actually we could be home at like 5.30pm then suddenly when we reached Larkin and dropped someone off. The aunty asked again which apartment in Larkin, then I said I don't live in an apartment and my house is somewhere near Tasek...that idiot I was in the van...waiting for about 1hr when the aunty could have just turned right and gone straight! Urg....thanks ALOT the end, we reached home at about 6pm...haixx...
Hahas, Chinese New Year is around the take care and all the best in your studies...and so and so....
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Monday, January 19, 2009
I must start today's blog with a sigh...haixx....I feel totally sad for my bro and my could this happen...bro, must say this horh...but ur didi has a big mouth! Hahass...
Anyways, today I finally got to see my bro's and sis's. Very Happy to see you guys! So yeah, I started my day with a cup of milk then had to set off to school. After reaching the S'pore custom, I was chatting with my bro...hahas, "si gui" >>jking only larh...Then it was much later when my all of my sis arrived, so we haven't really managed to have a nice group talk before. It would be fabulous if we could! Well, practically, I would be talking about my xiong di jie mei today. Cos to me they are just wonderful! Hahas...when I'm sad, they're by my side and when I'm bored, they'll be here to talk to me! and I really appreciate that! As long as they stay as who they are forever, I'll be willing to stay as siblings 4eva!!! muakkss!!
Hahas, just talked to bro, now I totally feel like killing the Flirt!! And I'm going to say this and hopefully I'll never regret, but damn it lah, it's just so torturing.......kor, you should know what I mean. But I don't mean that I envy lorz...cos now the real person is just totally idiotic and someone that is just hopeless and full of regret...
I said that so that it won't be cooked up in my mind, but when it is, I would say that it would be terrifying. So thanks bro for helping me out...
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hey Guys!
Today, went for horse back riding in the afternoon and it was so much fun cos I missed horse back riding so badly after not attending classes for about 2 weeks!!! Today my coach said I had to buy a whip, which is the longer thingy in the picture above...Arifah was wondering what it was so I thought I'll post it to let you guys take a look. Hahas, the whip is used to tap the horse so that they would listen or get the signal of your command. Usually, we would tap the horse to make it go faster! The other way to make it go faster is to kick it on the stomach which is a very tiring thing for your left leg!!! Hehe...and the other thingy in the picture are my gloves for riding!!!
Today was quite shocking for me, cos my coach kept on telling my to make "Happy Day" go faster and I tapped and kicked it ( :( I had to) and then it started to trot which was so scary!!! I'm learning the basics of trotting but i must say, when the horse is "actually trotting"'s like a scary experience....I was trying to stop the horse and then yelled "WHOAH"...hahas..."heng arh!!" Orelse I think I might have sacrificed myself and jumped off the horse!!!....jking...x)
Then after riding, went home then my cousins came over so had to pei them to play.hahas, we played with the flying disk in my garden and I was rollerblading. I haven't been rollerblading for a long time liao so..hahas...I was trying to keep my balance!!! One time, my couz didn't wash the cup before drinking...eww...not hygenic, hahas, then my other couz and I called him CHICHAT MAN!!! Then we chased him all over the house..muahahahs..After, we had PIZZA!! for dinner and then my couzs went home...haixx...
Miss everyone....including ______
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Friday, January 16, 2009
Today was a totally awesome day...I mean....Today was a TOTALLY AWESOME DAY!!! From the morning to the evening!! OMG, wish I can repeat this year again!! WHOOTS!! After school, Pei Yee, Bee En and I went to the 2nd floor study corner and the boys were there. So hung out and it was hilarious. I was doing my homework not caring about the other boys but they were seriously noisy...and it was damn hard to concentrate...hahahas...but they were so funny. We laughed until our faces were totally red. And by this I mean it!! Hahahas...
Then after Sports Club we had a great time too. Went to...and then eat at...then went back to school but we couldn't go inside so we hung out outside until the van came. We took pictures and stuff, Pei Yee went home so it was only Bee En, Jia Xin, Jia Xin and myself. And we had a fabulous time, laugh, joke, talk, get the point. It was like a fun girl time! Then we had to leave so had to end that way... =/
Well, I'm sooo looking forward to the next sports club and hopefully it would be double the fun then...see yas!! ^^
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Thursday, January 15, 2009
WHOOTS!!! Tomorrow is SPORTS CLUB!!! Hahas, first time so it's totally exciting!!! Especially when it's rollerblading. Awesome!! Woohoo!!
Today after we reached school in the morning, Jia Xin and I played basketball with the boys! It was so much fun...but the darn Yew Chin keep on shooting a hoop and when he actually made a foul or something, he would say that it wasn't and when Jia Xin and I do the same's like OMG he says it's a foul....sometimes I don't get it about boys....Hahas, tomorrow we're playing with them again in the morning...but the ISH (indoor sports hall) was like damn pitch dark and it was difficult to see and actually shoot a tomorrow much JIA YOU and win victory!! LOLs there's like so much homework...and later there will be piano lessons....haixx..I don't like playing the piano very much...and I TOTALLY wish that I can go back to
DRUMMING LESSONS!!!! Hope I still have the beats!! Hehe...
Candy^^muakkss*Remember, ilyMy Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Today was one of the most boring days of my life. Firstly, todays lessons were slow and the teacher spent loads of time explaining one easy question....omg it's it 10am yet....but the clock is just ticking so slowly! And at MT class, we had "dao de" class and it was another boring boring boring part of the schedule...gotta say this but my MT class is like one of the funniest and weirdest classes I've ever been part of. The boys practically joke almost everyday....can't stand it so I burst into laughter...lols
Then when school was finally over, we boarded the van and it was just like the school day....a boring van drive to the custom...urg...we thought that the boys would sing the "Ponyo ponyo ponyo" or the "The Little Nyonya" success at hearing them sing... =( haixx...
Well, atleast Sports Club starts this week!!! It'll be totally fun because it's in-line skating which is like one of my fave sports to do!! I love it. And my class has supplementary before that, so it's like sticking with the bore first then moving on to having fun!!!
And these days, I felt that love has become a totally different meaning to me now. I expressed my thinking about love in my diary but maybe I'll post what I wrote some other day...cos I would like to keep it as private for is always so torturing....hehe....thinking too much larh....should keep my mind strait and think about aceing in PSLE....
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
1 word, 5 letters....TIRED....damn tired larh....still have the pile of homework on my desk...but now I"m lazy to do larh....
Hahas, today the boys in my van sang the little nyonya song, LOLS cos it was terrible and I"ve caught their voices on my phone.....muahahahahas.....actually, I wouldn't say that they were singing but screaming like hell hahas and they changed some lyrics so it was totally funny...I was laughing my head off...hahas. Then on the van that took me home (different van) 2 boys behind me, namely Sean and James were singing the "ponyo ponyo ponyo" song.. hahas. I've got James voice on my phone too...hahas. So, today was like a half funny, one quarter angry and the other quarter good day....hahas, get the math??
Oh ya, recently I've made a few new friends. And would like to say "really nice to meet you". And I wanna say that I'm really happy for you my lovely sis, Jia Xin. All the best for your future love life....<3
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Monday, January 12, 2009
Today okay day I guess. It started with the usual morning preperations which started at 4.20am!! SUCKS, got onto the van then off to to S'pore...the van trip today was ok ok lorz...cos atleast I had my phone and headphones to not feel so bored....lols..
I'm starting to love my chinese class...hahas especially my totally nice teacher and a few of the most impressive jokers (well, might not say joker but they were funny). We had a so called "word writing competition today". The class was splitted into 4 groups and we took turns writing the words that the teacher called out. And I've got to tell was damn hilarious! When the teacher randomly gave said out things to choose the participants...ex: Choose a person from your group that is the prettiest of most handsome......LOL! a guy from this group..yeah..he was called Leon, people tried to pull him up to the board!!! Hahas....and he would just pull back...can't believe the guys thought he was handsome!! LOLs. There were other "funny acts" today but would be like a totally long story.
Wah...I keep on thinking about my future studies...might be a long way ahead of me but my dream would be to study in a university in Australia, Melbourne! I guess it would be totally awesome. To come to think of it, I can imagine what my 19 year old aunty would look like in the future...hahas!! Ah mah!!!! jk...we would always chat together and have fun. lols....
Haixx...actually today I didn't have any "xin qing" to write but yeah, I had to express my own feelings somehow! And I can't believe that boys are so...urg!!! Hurt my friend's feelings...."qian da"!!!
Candy^^ muakkss
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Today was obviously a better day, even though nothing much happened but I was satisfied with it...I finally sorted out everthing and things would not be totally embarrasing for me anymore, which is awesome. I can't believe that PSLE just feels like it's just around the corner...people said that the exam is damn hard but is it true. Well, I feel that once we learnt the syllabus I guess the exam would go smoother. So keep up the good spirits people! =)
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
It was today, I was shocked, shakened and couldn't believe it. Seriously, it was shocking and it felt like a good feeling. But why....why me. I was curious. But I just let it be. No other words....
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Today as usual, woke up at 4 something am and went to school. SUCKS!! Saw a few people at the custom from my old bus mates but I think they're damn blind....I was like right infront of them maybe about 2 metres away and they probably didn't reconize me....:(
When it was recess at school, Dahliah and I found a soccer ball so we decided to play with it. Atiqah was with us too. Then suddenly the 4 dumdums came (hs, Paul John, Jonathan, and another guy but I forgot his name) and tried to steal the ball from us and then we played together....but LOL when hs said something about me then I chased him and he screamed like a freakin' little girl..boys horh...are so...haixx...hard to explain...lols
Can't wait for school tomorrow! There's no particular reason but just feel like it....
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Today I was meant to go Horse back riding, but I ended up not going because apparently I was tired. Don't know why, maybe I wasn't getting used to waking up early in the morning for school or I was just tired of something. Well, I don't know the reason why. Called Arifah today about the homework thing and we've got a few more words for our homework word list thing, it reminded me of the days when I was in C.I.S and we would contact each other and help one another with homework! It was fun in a way that we can cooperate and finish work faster, as well as exchanging different ideas!
haixx....have to go now. See ya.
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Friday, January 2, 2009
Hey Rockers out there!
Today was a totally tiring first day of school, but it was awesome to see my friend's faces today. Hopefully everyone will have a fresh new look at school this Monday. (sigh) The only sad thing about today is that from my mt class, some people including me were changed to another class. Boohoo, cos I wanted to have Ms. Wong as my mt teacher. Although she was fierce at times but I've improved under her teaching skills. Well, the new teacher, Su Lao Shi, is a young teacher at the age of only 18. Very young huh, she's nice but well I prefer Ms. Wong better.
Have to go and complete my homework...see ya
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hey There!
Just wanna wish everyone a very
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hope that 2009 would be a much better and prosperous year for everyone!!
Can't believe that schools starts tomorrow, haixx, I'll miss the holidays. And oh boy would the new school year be so tiring. PSLE, duties, homework....OMG, it's like "Get A Life!"
See ya soon.
My Love is for a certain someone who deserves it. xoxo