Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wah, I've not been blogging for a long time...I've been busy like mad. So let's talk about today. I stayed back until 2.30pm for group study. Hahas, then we laughed alot. I guess the 5 of us had an enjoyable time. Then 10 mins before 2.30, Angeline and I went to the canteen to grab a bite. lols, then we got distracted by my friends, so we joined them in a game of catching then basketball. Haixx...my shooting is ok but worse than last time. hahas, had 3 goes for shooting and I only scored on the 3rd try...
So after that, rushed out to the 2.30 van. pai-seh...I think I took quite a long time to get out. hahas, and so today there were like so many Woodgrove sec students, I didn't expect this because last Tuesday there were so few of them. I'll have to say this but they were funny today, and so jx and I were like half listening to music and half listening to what they were saying because it was damn hilarious. hahas, seriously jokers.^^
Then when I reached home, chatting to jx on the phone. And for this part of my blog, just wanna say that my bro has become a man and my mei has become a woman. jiayous!!! I didn't say anything okayz....just feel so happy for all my bros and sistas. -continue- so after I chatted to jx, chatted to kor. Hahas, he was super high today!! lols, then chat lorz. I was kinda dissapointed in something but for the rest of his story, frankly speaking I was kind of flattered. Your story cheered me up man. hehe... ^^ you know what I mean...hope tomorrow I can see similar faces when I stay back for MT supp. omg it sucks...somemore until 3.30pm...can sleep during supp le...hahas. =D
Btw, I expect a little something from you in 2 weeks. Hahas, no gifts, words will just do! Hope you remembered*
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Today was a very tiring day for me. Somehow I'm quite frustrated now. Everything was fake, and this didn't surprise me. I thought it was real ya know...and so I considered and thought about it. But it was just like a dream...I can't believe it, thanks for trying to make me happy but you must atleast say the truth mah...haixx...no mood.
Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day people!!!
Lols, so today, I'm wondering what everyone's doing...especially on this special occasion...lols...just now I went to buy a mini cake. There were two heart shaped cakes and I thought the nicer one was the picture above. ReAlLy CuTe. Mom brought up the idea of buying one, since it was sorta my chinese b'day. hehe...I purposely wanted a heart shaped cake de lor......also Valentines day mah...tee hee...
Now I'm currently doing my homework...sianz...so much homework...like the rubbish dumpster...lols...exam is around the corner. Very fast, and my science is damn poor...I'm very worried if I fail...must jia yous though...
Hope everyone will have a great day...especially the couples...hahas
Today was like a totally bad day for me. I couldn't control myself and so I ended up drained in my _e_r_. I had two reasons for feeling down....
Today at the custom...damn it...I hate it when people misunderstand, walao..."you" wu hui liao lah...I don't even l*k* him...
*Skip this part of the story...no mood to talk about it...*
So, going back to the custom there...I was listening to my iPod, then the bloody hell Shi Jie...A.K.A mei mei ask me if I could let him have a look at my songs...then he borrow and look, another boy, from Riverside Sec came over then peeked at my iPod...and when I wanted my iPod back from the Shi Jie...walao he didn't want to return it to me. Then I asked my bro for help. L.O.L bro scolded Shi Jie...hahas, then he return to me...and I always call him mei mei, and so he asked me why call him mei when he's in sec 1 but I'm not. Then I said I was actually sec 1 too then he say I look like p4...then the Riverside guy said I still looked like p6...walao...I'm very short meh...atleast I'm taller that both of them...hehe...but hate it, Shi Jie is like so annoying, but I take whateva he says as joking only lorz...hahas, I should step on his leg more often!!!
Moving on to school...I hate "175" so much...she's like sooo...urg, hate her leh...always complain...S.P.P lah...complain queen...hate it when she's like that...I think I can become old already...broke into _e_r_ early in the morning...then at recess also..wtf...but seriously...I couldn't stand it...especially the "175". I just hope to go to secondary school soon...then I won't need to deal with the annoying guys...and also the Jonathan...keep on calling me cow in chinese...sht lah these people...
Then today, stayed back until 5pm. Sports club was super awesome! WE finally got to rollerblade...the best part was rollerblading with my friends, Pei Yee, Bee En and Jia Xin!! Super fun.One of the coach was nicknamed meat ball and the other fish ball. LOLs, the coaches were damn nice...can't wait for next Friday!!! ^^
Btw, hope everyone has something planned for your
loved ones tomorrow. Make it really special for them. Have a great Valentines day people, luv ya! =D
Thursday, February 12, 2009
This morning began with a little sad feelings. My reason might be stupid to you, so I'm not blooging it out. This morning I also found something out! My Chinese birthday was on the same day as Valentines day on Saturday! Woohoo! Now I don't need to think about the boring Valentines day that I was going to go through this Saturday....lols.
At school, it was like totally sianz...started the morning with p.e. We played basketball! Love it!! But my shooting is getting terrible. When I was at C.I.S I used to play basketball before school starts or at recess with my friends! I remembered we had an awesome time!! Then now, at public school...OMG, my life changed alot.
Haixx...this is to all my happy couple friends, hope you have a great time on Valentine's day. To the boys, be nice to ur gf. She's everything to you....lols...totally random sia....damn it....I hate it when i don't know what I'm suppose to talk about...but nvm...I think the real Shannon will be coming back soon...I hope... =(
btw, thanks Sharifah for inviting us over for lunch today. The food was great! Thanks loads ^^
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'll begin today's blog with this....LOL....that was just totally random from me....but I'm seriously weird nowadays...kinda enjoy it though cos I love laughing and smiling, but these days are like....smile....frown....smile....laugh....then laugh....haha....then sad...I feel like so wtf....And these days seems to me like I care less about things. Bros and Sis, don't worry horh...I still care ALOT about you guys, but you'll have to try to understand me nowadays. hehe...btw, A.M, you're very ting hua leh...thanks man!
So today I stayed back. So I had lunch with Cindy. Then saw Khairul. LOL. We had a damn great time for awhile. This was how it went about. Cindy and I, went to buy lunch, then saw Khairul again sitting there. Then talk for awhile...it was sorta like this. But we were like joking with each other. The way he said it was extremely hilarious! He was pretending to be half gay and omg Cindy and I...we were like laughing our heads off. I wanted to write the script but lazy leh...tee..hee...then actually, a seat away from me was an indian boy...I didn't know that he left then "he" came and sat where the indian guy sat! OMG...I was like.....well...I think you get the idea. Hahas, =D.
Now, skip the happy moments for a sec....
I don't understand why my feelings are like totally weird these few days. It's like....happy...sad....weird...crazy...angry...no feeling...hyper...sad again....then end it with a frown....weird huh...is it like part of puberty or something...cos damn it...I hate this emotional crisis sorta thingy...sht! Advice is what I need, so you may leave ur comments or whateva so in my cbox! Thanks...
No mood again and again...c yas ;-)
Miss. Emoz in the house....
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Wow, I haven't been blogging for awhile...I think cos no mood ba...but thanks bro and mei for trying to cheer me up..hehe...
So today I'm like totally beat, not enough sleep ba, but I had great fun, stayed back until 2pm...then the van only came at about 2.30pm...jx and I were like waiting there, listen to music then it finally arrived. So we saw bro there, but his friends were there too and it totally sucked...bu ran we would have chatted more...
The past few days were like spent kinda emo-ish...no reason why. It's who I am. I had a reason not to talk about "
it" but people just have to bring it up infront of me. Dude, I'm already trying my best to forget and not think about it okay, so please....I think only 2 or 3 people will know what I mean....bro, mei and maybe jie.
Oh, and today I have a new bro, I'm not going to reveal his name but somehow I wanted him to be my bro. No special reason. Haha...And it was so funny, cos he's the dumbest bro I've ever had. Lols, and it took quite awhile for him to understand the note I gave him...lols
No mood to post or to chat to anyone these days.....see you people around.. =)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Yesterday was so fun. Hahas, we played handball during Sports Club....then before Sports Club, Mr. T told Angeline and I to take charge of the classroom key and the class thingy for the list of names...(damn it...my english is seriously getting worst...)haixx...so now school life is going to be more tiring than I thought....so many things to do....but no choice lorz...
For the past few days, I had to stick with the other laptop, and it didn't support msn, I don't know why, so today was like, finally, because I seriously missed chatting with my friends online.
So, it's a week before Valentines Day, very exciting....no reason why but I'm happy for my mei, jie and bro. Lols, you guys have someone to think of on that day. As for me...I think dreaming would be enough...it's like as if
it's going to happen...yea right...
Anyways, I've recently been listening to MCR songs. I love it, and it was ever since Jerry made me take interest in the band. I had a reason to start liking it. Hahas, and I was trying to take the same interests as *****. lols, yes I know it's lame but for me it was a chance lor...I don't even think people will understand what I'm writing about nowadays....I only know that my mind is blank...and I seriously need to sort it out...
And this is to all of my friends, I miss you, Love you and never give up on anything you do. Regret is a mistake but an important lesson. So make the right choices and shine. ^^
haixx....don't want to blog already. I don't even know what I'm trying to say. hahas, see ya around if I do.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day by day, time passes...and the times totally suck! I mean, I'm happy with most of my friends and god sibs and stuff, but seriously, love life and well, JUST my life it self kinda sucks. Can't see *** and without communication with *** just sucks. This morning to the afternoon was spent very emo-ish....then now it's like....think I can become gothic emo type of person liao....want to....
and and....Atleast today "he" was moved to like just right behind me but diagonally. Hahas, but nothing lorz.....that was random....=) btw, hope you like the pic. I took it myself...kinda interested in photography!
Oh, and I was thinking of maybe having someone to talk to, maybe like counselling or something would be nice for me. But damn it I can't seem to sign into msn, don't know why. Urm....maybe a change would be cool... I hope I can find someone who can talk, maybe give me a piece advice or something. Just a special person to listen to my thoughts. Yeah....haixx....no mood to blog today....see you people around
p.s Hope you can just drop by and tagg or something....it would really be appreciated. thanks!
Stay Emoz ^.-
Today was like ...whoah ... nothing much today. Went to school, urm then after school, stayed back until 3.30pm because of mt tuition. So, yeah. Teehee...he was sitting infront of me on stage...hehe...but anyways, that was just random from me...lols. But I've got to admit that I think I'm quite weird myself, hahas...
Haixx...I haven't been on msn for quite awhile...miss chatting to everyone online leh....especially my C.I.S friends. Love them so much, just expressing how I feel. So, my other computer isn't working....damn it....and I can't seem to log onto msn on this com...so people...if you drop by my blog, please please please leave a note or something...and I don't even mind receiving some sms's or you could even give me a call...but that's if you have my hp number...lols
Feel like letting my friends know about my stay back schedules(some people have been asking), so here it is:
- Wednesday~~until 3.30pm
- Thursday~~until 2.30pm (think so)
- Friday~~until 5pm (but leave much later leh...)
Haha, by any chance, hope I could see you if you're my van mate or something. But catch up with you guys soon^^love ya!
No mood to post liao, I feel that I'm totally random nowadays...see yas >.<
S.C the G.G**
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Turns out that I don't have dengue! Woohoo! My fever is gone so now I only have my cough....
Today, I went to Holiday Plaza with my family to buy stuff. And practically, all of the shopping bags were filled with my things! Hahas, I was damn happy because I was finally out of the house after staying i the bed looking sickish! It was better than nothing. Well, I didn't buy much though.....
Tomorrow is school again....woo....hoo.... -.- the load of homework that was dumped in to my bag was all done except for the english compo...I hate writing compos because I suck at it....seriously....
hahas, I'll keep todays blog to here. See ya.
Gothic Girl...