Hellos All...Today i finally finished making my cupcakes =D
Urm..I think the taste is not bad...deco...heh...okok. Overall, it was fun making the cupcakes! I picked out 6 for my teachers. And I made some cards aswell(pics below)

I think the cards are ok laa...hope my teachers will like. I know there's only 4. I didn't make any cards for the other two teachers =/ No time sia...
Can't wait for tomorrow =D
Love you people <3
Today was the Prelim LC. Urm. I would say that it wasn't that tough. Quite easy actually =)
Just wanna talk about Thursday...:
Went to play badminton with Joy. Then we took a walk. When we were going to May's house to pick up Joy's stuff. We saw Chang and he was damn freaking tall. Even though he's 14, he's quite tall for his age....damn....and I missed the times when the whole group of us would play together(Me, Alicia, Joy, Joyce, Ariff, Chang, Kalil, and everyone else) It was super fun during those days! Sad laa...Alicia left to KL...haizz =(
Anyways, today was kinda a weird day. Went to school as usual. Van #8 broke down. So all of us had to squeeze in bus 10. Jx, En and I sat behind with two other boys. We practically had to squish ourselves to make it to our seats. lols. After reaching school, I had AVA duty so rushed up to the AVA room and did as told by Mr.K. Then the p6 assembly was postponed, so all of us went back to our classrooms for LC first, then we had to come back at 9.15am. And so when I went into the classroom. Some of the boys were smiling at me, which was really unusual. Then they said "Hi Shannon"(unusual aswell). They told me that --- --- liked me. Such a knoob. Who would like him...lols...
After recess, continued lessons, we were planning things for Teacher's Day. I want to bake something for the class. Just don't know whether I have the time to do it. Hope so luhh...if I do bake. I might post some pics of what I've made. haha.
Btw, to those who think that I like Simon, he's just a friend of mine. lols.
My mind keeps thinking of ____, I should probably forget about it yea...
Finally!!! PSLE ORAL IS OVERRR =D I hope everyone has done well.
Today was my EL oral. Yesterday was my MT oral. The EL teachers were so much nicer. We had laughs and they were smiling throughout the whole oral exam. =D Which gave me a little confidence that I would definitely pass. I hope so though.
Anyways, it's been two days without seeing my friends. haha, miss them loads.
Today was the National Day Celebration. It was a busy day for me, I had AVA =) and I'm a "proud" member of it...hahas.
The whole gang of us went to Mac for breakfast. In the end I only ate Jx's hashbrown...hehe. Then we walked back to school and i had to run to the AVA room. The aircond was super cold, it was just what i needed after sweating the walk back. I went to join my class to watch the assembly. Simon was the comander or something. He shouted very loudly, even I, who was at the 4th floor could here it. He said it was part of the "job" though.
Then I had to go back to the AVA room again. Natasha came then we went backstage to set up the mics and stuff. It was very hot back there. We were sweating like mad. And today was the first time that I've ran so many times up and down just for AVA. lols. Anyways, then Natasha and i went back to the cooling AVA room. The teacher told us to go the the general office to bring up the McDonald snacks. Woohoo =) We each had a burger and a drink. Mr. Kamaruddin is awesome laa...not like McDonalds is like heaven to me, but it's nice of him to get us something.
On the van, kacau-ed Huiting. She's so cute laa.
Overall, today was a pretty good day. =)
And I love all my friends <3
Yesterday the conversation with my Kelly ahyi was hilarious! We tried speaking in malay to each other...ofcourse..fail laa, I spoke half hokkien and half malay. haha. LOL.
Tomorrow is the National Day Celebration. And oh god, our class performance sucks pretty bad...but not like suck to the core =) I would give 50/100. Sorry people...but like...come on! Luckily I'm doing AVA. So not part of the performance...
Simon will be there to perform with his other scout friends. haha. Cool, I used to be a brownie when I was in elementary school, but I had to quit...forgot the reason why. It was fun during those days.
Today we didn't do anything. The whole day was just dancing for my other classmates, and classroom decorating for the rest of us. Hehe...and it was until MT started =D And recess was like 40mins for us.
Bored, PSLE oral is in two weeks...bloody sucks laa...haixx
Take care