Monday, November 30, 2009
Hey People. This is going to be short.
Today was pretty okay. From tomorrow until next Monday, I'll be at my cousin's place. *sigh*
Well, I'm kinda eager to get a few piano pieces. But out of no luck, I couldn't find any of them. I would be ever so grateful if you could help me find them during your own free time.
The piano sheets are:
- Her-Robert Pattinson(I'm not sure if he's the real composer but that was the name I found)
- Near To You-Fine Frenzy
Hope you could help me out cos I'm practically driving myself nuts continueusly googling for it.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I don't want to blog. Well, just going to list a few things.
My PSLE aggregate is well...ok lah.. It's just so freaking hard to make a decision on what school I want to get into, cos my aggre is not in between the express requirements nor the N.A requirements. For instance. If a school's express aggre is from 240-261. And the N.A aggre is from 188-225. My aggre would be inbetween 225 and 240. Which is kinda frustrating. Firstly, I wish to get into the express stream for the sake of studying for 4 years. Secondly, it was better to get into a good school than go to some other "not so good" school in the express stream.
Well, today went to the cinema with Steph to watch New Moon. The movie was ok. I prefer Twilight though. Rob Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are hootttt =D
I hate life.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Rewind backk----->
After Friday's Prize giving day. Mom brought me to the hospital for another checkup. After checking my height, weight and stuff, we went in to see the doctor. Another young doctor, haha, she was really friendly. Then she checked my spine, and I needed to go for another x-ray. I had to change into a blue-green dress for the x-ray. hahas. Males had to do the same. So funny. my results from the x-ray were almost the same as last time's. Maybe a bit more curved. I'm starting to worry about it. Oh well..
Saturday and Sunday were mostly spent on doing work. I'm working for my "......" =D
Today is another day which is freakin hell boring. My aunts are here for Great grandfather's funeral. He left on the 20th Nov. Pretty sad, but the kind of feeling wasn't as bad as when grandfather died. Happiness left when he did.
Oh, Mom, Dad and I were looking at the photo albums the other day. Super hilarious pictures, especially the ones when I was a little kiddo. hahaha. And we were tearing up the pics of the ccb. Idiots, "wang en fu yi". You're dead if you dare to come back and mess with us again.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Today was the last day of school. In the morning, there was a prize giving ceremony for non-academic areas. Well, I thought I was only receiving one award, but then after the teacher called me, I received two. hmm..wasn't that excited about those stuff though.
After the ceremony was over, Mr.K asked me to help out for AVA for the 2 minute of fame thing. So yea, helped out with setting up everything. The contestants' performances were pretty hilarious. Some sang out of tune(no offence). So far, my favs were the Skipping Quartets and 3 Cheers for the Heros. The rest were only ok to me. And the teachers performed at the end of the concert, quite funny.
Then at mt class, people were going around saying their goodbyes. So saddd. I'll miss you guys so much!!! Promise to Keep In Touch!! =_(
After school, stayed back until 2.30pm for the AVA party. We had to wait until 1.30pm. So Jordan, Cindy and I wanted to play bball. We went to look for Solomon then bugged him to get a bball for us. Then left to the ISH and played bball. A few guys joined, so we played in teams instead. It was totally awesome! My shooting went from good to bad. Atleast I was able to shoot some goals, a few were 3 pointer goals =D
Then when the pizza arrived, we went back to the canteen, ate, then went back to play again. haha. It was raining so heavily and the wind was so strong. I got pretty wet, but luckily not soaked. My shirt was kinda dirty cos the bball was a little dirty from the rain.
I was waiting for my dad, so I ran back to get my phone from my bag to check for calls, Simon saw me then said hi. I didn't realise he was there behind my table with his friends. haha. I was Surprised to see him at school, I didn't see him for weeks. Then I went back to the ISH again. Shot a few more goals then went back to get my bag, said bye to Simon then ran to the foyer to look for dad's car.
I missed playing basketball so much!!! I didn't really get to play alot after leaving C.I.S. Todays game was definitely fun! Hope to play together again.
Anyways, tomorrow have to go to school again. I MISS MY FRIENDS SO MUCH.
Shannon <3
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Things are kinda different now.
Everything's messed up for the moment.
I have to get it sorted out.
I don't know what's gone into me for the past week.
I just feel so strange, I think it's probably depression or something.
Like suddenly leaking from my eyes infront of my mom. Twice that I've done that, but the second was in the guest room.
It's like come on, how could I let that happen and give my mom the idea that I was hurt in some way.
I knew best that only I could solve my own "mentally emotional" problems.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This was taken before we left the restaurant..
Today was a pretty good day.
- I finished reading Eclipse! I'm so freakin happy I'm done with the book. lols. I can't wait till I get my hands on Breaking Dawn! muhahahs...
- We had a programme today in the hall, and our coach was called Aaron. He's totally friendly, I hope to meet him again! And thanks coach Aaron for today =D
Anyways, I've posted the pics of Chen Wei Lian(above). I'm not a big fan of him, but his songs are quite nice. I'm just really impressed that he could play the guitar so well even though he is blind. I was thinking that it might have been hard to look for the chords and fretts. hehe, even if I can see, I couldn't even play or look for the right fretts on my guitar sometimes. damn...
Tomorrow we're going on an excursion to Little India. I'm not really looking forward to it. I'm not really sure why...lols...hope to look forward to something exciting tomorrow.
*Thanks En, you're an awesome friend...your replies are wonderful, the empty mind of mine is finally filled again. thanks...for being there when I'm helplessly lost.[full stop]
Monday, November 2, 2009

Beach cleaning activity STARTSSS...! Jiayous. ..lols

Took from the bus....

Dried leaves...hahas...randomm

I had to sit on the floor to take this...hahaha

Friends foreverrr =D

Kinda country like..

Hasanah, Arifah and Atiqah..

Nissha and Angeline, ready and all set!
Today was our second day of excursion. We went to East Coast Park/ Changi Beach for the beach cleanup activity. There was not much litter to pick up though. So we did that for I think about 30 mins, then at about 10.30am, we headed to our picnic area for a snack. I took loads of pictures of the scenery there. hahas. Nothing better to do...[pics above!] I have a whole lot more of pics but just so lazy to upload all of them. hehehe...
**Oh, yesterday we went to this restaurant owned by my uncle's friend, then they had singers sing on some of the nights. And Yesterday night Chen Wei Lian came to sing. He's the guy that's blind, the one in the Superstar thing. Before he came to perform at 9pm, they played his songs while we were having dinner, and his songs are not bad. Actually quite nice. hahas. Chen Wei Lian, Jia yous!! I took videos and a bunch of photos. Will probably post them tomorrow. cheers.